Taste of Society Hill

Saturday, April 23rd at 7pm

The Long Bluff Historical Society will host our annual Taste of Society Hill on Saturday, April 23rd at 7pm.

The Taste of Society Hill is the Long Bluff Historical Society’s annual fundraiser! Come enjoy an array of food and beverages from local businesses and organizations, live entertainment, and a chance to win one of many prizes in our raffle.

This year the Long Bluff Historical Society is hosting its annual Taste of Society Hill at the historic Adam Marshall House in Society Hill, SC, on April 23 from 7 to 9pm located at 454 S Main St, Society Hill, SC 29593 (across from St Davids Academy). Live entertainment will be provided by Jelly Side Up and parking is Free! Get Directions >>

This is a great opportunity to build connections between the locals, businesses, and organizations that call Society Hill home! The mission of LBHS is to preserve the rich history and culture of Society Hill!

Sponsors and Vendors Needed!

As a participating Vendor, you will have the opportunity to showcase and promote your products, services, and menu in a unique way to our guests at the event. In addition, your participation helps the community by supporting the mission of the Long Bluff Historic Society. There is no booth rental fee for vendors and we will help promote participating vendors before and after the event with social media and other forms of advertising.

We recognize that the event will only remain a success if our vendors continue to provide exceptional products and displays. If there is something that you need to better promote and showcase your products and services, please let us know. As a bonus, we will be asking patrons to vote on the best vendor table display and decor this year - and plan to recognize and reward the winner of this contest!

Our goal is for this event to be a positive experience for everyone - including our vendors! For more information, including sponsorships and being a vendor, call committee chair Melissa Burch at 813-323-1445.


The Long Bluff Historical Society is hosting this event at the Adam Marshall House in Society Hill, SC. This year we are all invited to enjoy the property of the privately owned, historic home of Adam Marshall. The home is located 454 S Main St, Society Hill, SC 29593 (across from St Davids Academy). Parking is Free! Get Directions >>

Cost - Pay at the Door

Cost of the event is $20 per person at the door, LBHS members $15.00 - cash or check only. No ticket sales this year - pay at the door only.


All proceeds benefit on-going historic preservation projects in Society Hill. If you want to know more about what the Long Buff Historical Society is doing in our community we welcome you to join and attend our monthly meetings.


For more information, including sponsorships and being a vendor, call committee chair Melissa Burch at 813-323-1445.

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